cv 778.872.9969

previous relevant experience

electrical design engineer
PBX Engineering Ltd.

application engineer
Lucid Design Group (

acoustical engineer
Charles M. Salter Associates Inc.

jr. electronics engineer
Reach Technologies Ltd.

current/ongoing projects and work
web dev and startups

mental health worker
Portland Housing Society (phs)

Bachelors in Electrical Engineering (B. Eng.) Processing (DSP)
Specialization in Digital Signal Processing
University of Victoria (2006-2011)

rails web developer bootcamp
CodeCore Developer Bootcamp

volunteer work
volunteer coordinator
Quadrapalooza 2016

harm reduction volunteer
Atmosphere Gathering 2016

general volunteer
Hackernest (Vancouver)

community coordinator
Longfellow Community Association (LCA)

final notes
my real interests include data science, energy security, prototyping, and philosophy. please read my recommendations on my linkedIn. i feel they are accurate, but i’m biased. thank you for your consideration



Now read this

Pitch v1.0

[UPDATE]: this pitch is bad. I’m super embarrassed by this pitch. Admittedly, I hate pitching. I’m still working on crafting a better short 3 line story, and I have a lot to learn. Here we go. [insert cat meme picture here] We are... Continue →