cartoonify all photos of kits out of box
partner with something else?
partner with something else? 778.872.9969
previous relevant experience
electrical design engineer
PBX Engineering Ltd.
application engineer
Lucid Design Group (
acoustical engineer
Charles M. Salter Associates Inc.
kit helps with two main problems that I face every day:
problem complexity
and information overload
github link
We will be launching on [ndovutech.suck](ndovutech.suck) (broken link for now… configuring this as we speak) this friday.
…with a photo? let me know with “kudos” below.
Until next time.
I came into this event with no expectations.
I left with more knowledge and, even better, new friends look: selfies with new friends. Here’s just one:
I’m assembling a team of conference zombies, and going to use the best local smoothies and coffee in Yaletown to cure this nasty headache. Come join us! Hit me up at 778.872.9969 or
Also, if you haven’t connected with me yet, and would like to [all my info is here](
Until next time.
Call me maybe? 778.872.9969
Click on the headers.
In order of how fast I’ll get back to you, here is how we can connect.
20 minute meet online. See you on the cloud!
60 minutes meet in person! Pick the cafe/brewery.
In general, Calendly is the easiest and fastest way to schedule time with me. You should be using this already. It syncs to my google calendar.
I really like messenger.
For my “professional” creds.
Cause 256 characters are awesome.
P.S. I hate email.
My personal blog. It’s personal.
I haven’t put anything on this in years. But, everyone and their ma uses this in Vancouver, so here it is.
What am I not using already that I should? Leave a comment below or hit me up on one of the communication channels above.
Talk to you...
[UPDATE]: this pitch is bad. I’m super embarrassed by this pitch. Admittedly, I hate pitching. I’m still working on crafting a better short 3 line story, and I have a lot to learn. Here we go.
[insert cat meme picture here]
We are working on a place where adventurers can share their curated information, their kit they used to make it the journey easier for other aspiring adventurers. We want you to go on more adventures.
Confused? Sorry about that. I’m learning and would be infinitely grateful if you let me know why this post sucks.
Drop me a line!
Lots of people ask the question above: what is ndovu tech? What do you guys do, etc., etc., etc. Well, here’s a quick intro.
This answer is boring. It’s a company registered in the province of B.C. in Canada. We currently have around 6 people collaborating on several ideas which will be talked about in a “what we are working on” post later this week.
To improve the quality of life for all through human understanding and technology.
I believe that technical savvy individuals forget why we make anything. We make things for people. My studies in behavioral psychology (ex: Haidt), politics, economics, and religion give me a better understand how I work, and just maybe how other people work. With this understanding, I think it is easier to create beautiful tools for people.
Also, what is technology anyway? Well, I googled it!. It boils down to anything...