What is ndovu tech?

ndovu logo: 4th iteration by Ashley Gross
Lots of people ask the question above: what is ndovu tech? What do you guys do, etc., etc., etc. Well, here’s a quick intro.

the Company #

This answer is boring. It’s a company registered in the province of B.C. in Canada. We currently have around 6 people collaborating on several ideas which will be talked about in a “what we are working on” post later this week.

the Mission #

To improve the quality of life for all through human understanding and technology.

I believe that technical savvy individuals forget why we make anything. We make things for people. My studies in behavioral psychology (ex: Haidt), politics, economics, and religion give me a better understand how I work, and just maybe how other people work. With this understanding, I think it is easier to create beautiful tools for people.

Also, what is technology anyway? Well, I googled it!. It boils down to anything “artfully” or “skillfully” made. The applications of this word are vast, but I think that the societal convention constrains our use of this word to computers and electronics.

At ndovu tech, we will use our empathy for humanity and all forms of technology to make life easier for all.

the Metaphor #

rider and elephant
Ndovu simply means elephant in Swahili. Why the elephant? Well, there’s a metaphor that Jonathan Haidt uses that likens the mind to a Rider and Elephant. I find this model incredibly accurate. Here’s a good intro (in the scope of business).

final Thoughts #

Blogging takes lots of work. That is all.


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noel.bacani@gmail.com 778.872.9969 previous relevant experience electrical design engineer PBX Engineering Ltd. team lead for the electrical lighting design for the Regina Bypass project. lead to completion of design most profitable... Continue →